Lessons 2018 has taught me

It is not so much about what life hands you, but what you do with what you get. Mistakes are a part of being human. Precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it’s a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from . 2018 to me has been a year that has greatly opened my way of seeing things unlike the past ones. I wanted to share the lessons 2018 has taught me, and hopefully you can relate.


Not Judging People.  However true a situation might seem when you put things in Ur head together,or believe what Ur eyes could’ve seen, don’t run into conclusions before you get it from the person them self. I always keep reminding myself coz i’ve learnt it the hard way.

 Put God first: This one, in particular, is controversial and if you aren’t a believer, I completely understand and feel free to skip this one. I know my life is about to fall into disarray every time I put anything above God. I can feel the consequences almost immediately. Be it work, relationships, finances and such.

The Power of Intention:  There is truly power in intent. I believe your thoughts create your reality. For someone who has social anxiety, this has helped me with meetings. I always think of it as “what do I want out of this situation? How do I want to feel when I leave this room?” For me, it’s more of a mental thing than a physical thing. Does that make sense? I try to envision it already happened and it works really well for me.

For the blog;

Blogging requires a lot of patience. Reading all those success stories about the big-time bloggers, you may get the impression that every successful blogger saw huge success after a couple of weeks.That is not how it usually goes. Blogging takes time – not only time that you have to spend on growing your blog but also time that you have to give it to grow and prosper.

Experimenting a lot. There is not ONE blog success formula. There are thousands of blog success formulas. And some of them will work for you and some of them will utterly fail you. You cannot simply follow the process some guru tells you and then everything will work out as it did for the guru. Your situation is unique: It is you that is running your blog and you are not some other already successful person, you are just that YOU. And that is good!

Photography by http://www.ninnojackjr.com

That’s it guys. What Are Your Life Lessons of 2018?

I’m curious to find out what you learned this year. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with someone who might find it interesting.

Happy Holidays and stay Fabulous! 

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